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Bad news / good news

Gina Jacobson

It's time for today's episode of Cancer: Bad News / Good News.

Bad news: My platelets weren't up enough to qualify for chemo today.

Good news: No more chemo until surgery after all! And surgery will stick on 3/27, because...

Bad news: We got confirmation yesterday that there will be two surgeries instead of one. The first surgery will place the pump and resect the colon. I'll have about three months of chemo via the pump, and then my liver should be ready for a cleaner resection.

Good news: We know about this now versus finding out when I am on the operating table. And that timing works out to roughly a July surgery, which means potentially part of my recovery could happen at my mother-in-law's place in Greenwich and the Westchester Beach Club, with the kids, which could be quite pleasant indeed.

Dealing with cancer means looking for every silver lining. Luckily they aren't too hard to find. Surgery is set for 3/27, spring break week, which means we can bring the kids for a little NY tourism beforehand, and they can visit me after.

And I've got the next four weeks to eat and drink and enjoy non-chemo life: I started today with a bowl of ramen at Ramen-San. And I intend to make the most of the rest of them!

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